I recently had the pleasure of meeting an incredibly talented artist named Ben, who prefers to be called "Artist". Ben's passion for nail art is truly inspiring. As a professional artist, he sees nail art as a unique form of artistic expression, different from his usual mediums.
Our conversation began when he purchased some essential products, including a UV lamp, base and top coat gels, colour gels and jojoba cuticle oil, from me. We chatted about his journey and passion for nail art. Ben shared how nail art has become an integral part of his artistic expression, allowing him to experiment with various designs and techniques. Ben's insight is truly inspiring! He enlightened me that men with a passion for the arts are not limited to traditional mediums and are finding joy and creativity in nail art as well. It's wonderful to see how the boundaries of artistic expression are expanding, and nail art is becoming a celebrated form of creativity for everyone, regardless of gender. Ben's enthusiasm and dedication to his craft are a testament to the fact that art knows no limits and can be expressed in countless beautiful ways.
Ben is preparing for an exciting trip to Thailand with his friends, combining work and leisure. He needed supplies for his journey, as he prefers DIY nail art. Ben finds joy in creating personalised designs for himself and his friends. When I met him, he was wearing a stunning nail design with a light pink base colour, white lining at the nail tips, and a silver Treble Clef at the corner. His nails are round-tipped and about 2 to 3 mm longer than his fingers, which is perfect for keyboard typing.

Ben is not only a passionate and energetic person but also very thoughtful and caring towards his friends. He bought enough supplies so they would not struggle to find them when needed. I love this job! I get to meet people and make friends with them. I eagerly look forward to seeing the pictures of his creations that he promised to send. Ben’s dedication to his craft and ability to turn nails into miniature works of art is truly remarkable. It is wonderful to see how his passion for nail art brings joy to both himself and those around him.
Nail art is the future!
*“Ben” is not the actual name of the individual. To protect the individual's privacy, the team used a fake name for the post.
The Koyeed Team.